Allaahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Aali Muhammad >>> Untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa terbaru, silakan ikuti media sosial kami berikut ini: Telegram, Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube dan Facebook!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه أجمعين
Beasiswa S2 & S3 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 2017-2018. Sumber gambar |
Alhamdulillaah.. Berbicara tentang KAUST, kampus ini bisa dibilang kampus paling wow se-Arab Saudi. Bagaimana tidak, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology memiliki beberapa hal istimewa yang membedakannya dari universitas-universitas lainnya di Kerajaan Saudi Arabia, antara lain:
1. Kampusnya hanya untuk program Pascasarjana (S2, S3, & Postdoctoral) di bidang Sains dan Teknologi.
2. Fasilitas beasiswanya paling wah.
3. Pria dan wanita belajar di ruangan yang sama.
4. Wanita tidak perlu mahrom untuk mendaftar.
5. Bahkan, non muslim bisa berkuliah di KAUST.
Saat ini Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Raja Abdullah membuka pendaftaran untuk spring dan fall semester.
Berikut info resmi berbahasa Inggris dari web KAUST:
Applying to KAUST
Thank you for your interest in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). We suggest you carefully review the list of requirements below and prepare your application in advance of the deadline.
Application Deadlines
Fall Round 1:
Fall Round 2:
Fall Round 3: January 15, 2018
We strongly encourage you to apply early in order to receive an earlier decision and have enough time for visa processing (International Students)
To be considered for Round 3, applicants must submit their application and supporting documents by January 15. Decision notification for Round 3 may be released by March 22, 2018.
Please note that decision dates are subject to change.
Application Requirements
KAUST requires a minimum TOEFL score of 79 on the IBT (Internet Based Test) or 6.0 on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). The KAUST admissions code is 4107. Only official TOEFL or IELTS scores will be accepted. TOEFL or IELTS scores for tests administered by an educational institution for admission to that particular institution are not acceptable.
A TOEFL or IELTS score is not required if the applicant received a degree from an accredited institution in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.
KAUST does not require the GRE exam for admission. However, we strongly encourage students to take the GRE general test. A high quantitative score on the GRE will enhance a student's application. Official test results should be sent directly from ETS. The KAUST admissions code is 4139.
Submit an official, complete university Transcript/ Mark sheets/ Graduation Certificate/ Academic Record from every institution previously attended. A scan of the official transcript provided by the university in the native language must be uploaded into the online application along with the certified English translation. Your transcript must include the university grading scale for all documents submitted. If offered admission, an official final transcript must be sent to the Office of Admissions prior to arrival (during the onboarding process) in a sealed envelope to:
Office of Admissions
Graduate Affairs
Building 9, Suite 4328
4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal, Jeddah 23955-6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
You must have three letters of recommendation submitted on your behalf. Letters of recommendation are important and should be written by professors or advisors under whom you have pursued research or taken courses in your major field of study. Recommendation letters should be submitted through the application directly from the recommender. Recommenders should provide details about how he/she knows your work, as well as comparative statements (e.g., top 1% of class, best in past five years, etc.), and insight into your research ability.
Also please add your Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Financial Support
All admitted students receive the benefits of the KAUST Fellowship which supports students for the duration of their graduate studies. The benefits of the KAUST Fellowship include:
- Full tuition support
- Monthly living allowance (ranging between $20,000-30,000 annual, depending on qualifications and progression through degree programs)
- Housing*
- Medical and dental coverage*
- Relocation support
Contact the Office of Admissions:
Graduate Affairs
Engineering Building (Building 9), Suite 4328
4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Catatan admin SantriNabawi dot com:
1. Bagi sebagian ikhwan/akhwat mungkin ada yang berkeinginan melanjutkan studi ke KAUST, namun sedikit terganggu dengan lingkungan yang bercampur dengan lawan jenis dan non muslim. Maka sebagai pertimbangan berpikir, kalau tidak muslim taat yang mengambil beasiswa semewah ini, apa iya mau diberikan untuk muslim yang kurang taat, atau bahkan non muslim? Belajar sains dan teknologi juga bisa menjadi jalan untuk menolong agama Allah. Keputusan akhir tetaplah keputusan Antum..
2. Sebelum terburu-buru bertanya, silakan baca dulu posting Tanya Jawab KAUST dan posting Fakta dan Tips Masuk KAUST! Juga usahakan baca posting-posting lainnya yang ada di website
3. Jika sudah membaca minimal 2 posting tersebut dan masih memiliki pertanyaan, silakan bertanya langsung ke komunitas mahasiswa Indonesia yang kuliah di KAUST melalui fanspage facebook KAUSTINAdotorg! Yang sopan lho nanya-nya, itu mahasiswa pascasarjana semua lho..
4. Terkait penerjemahan dan info umum baca Tanya Jawab Beasiswa Kerajaan Saudi Arabia (KSA)!
5. Link pendaftaran program pascasarjana King Abdullah University of Science and Technology di sini.
Copyright @ SantriNabawi.Com
Palangka Raya,
7 Dzul hijjah 1438 H / 29 Agustus 2017 M
Update Madinah Al-Munawwarah,
18 Rabi'ul Tsani 1439 H / 5 Januari 2018 M
Update Madinah Al-Munawwarah,
18 Rabi'ul Tsani 1439 H / 5 Januari 2018 M
Allaahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Aali Muhammad >>> Untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa terbaru, silakan ikuti media sosial kami berikut ini: Telegram, Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube dan Facebook!

Allaahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Aali Muhammad >>> Untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa terbaru, silakan ikuti media sosial kami berikut ini: Telegram, Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube dan Facebook!
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