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Required Documents to Islamic University of Madinah Registration

Allaahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Aali Muhammad >>> Untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa terbaru, silakan ikuti media sosial kami berikut ini: Telegram, Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube dan Facebook!

Required Documents:

1. High School/GCSE/A-level Certificate.
2. High School/GCSE/A-level Transcript.
3. Testimony of Conduct.
4. Birth Certificate.
5. Passport.
6. Identity Card (where applicable).
7. A Color passport-sized (6x4) Photograph, which must be taken without glasses, against a white background, without covering the head.
8. A medical letter or report, indicating the health of the applicant’s body, his sight and hearing, and lack of infectious diseases. It must be issued by a reliable medical centre.
9. A letter of introduction/recommendation from an Islamic foundation in the applicant’s country of residence, or from two eminent Muslim individuals, testifying with regard to the applicant, his religious devotion and Islamic morals.
10. Certificate of accepting Islam, for those who are not Muslim by birth (if available).
1. The applicant must scan his original documents, along with their translations, using a scanner, in order to display the documents in their original colors.
2. The applicant must attach the Arabic translation of any document written in other than the Arabic language, preferably attested by a reliable organization.
3. In case of an applicant being granted admission, the accepted student must bring his original documents, attested by the Saudi Embassy. If there is no Saudi Embassy in his country, he should have his documents attested by an authority recognized by the university.
4. In the case of errors in the basic information found on the applicant’s original documents (such as name, date of birth, place of birth, etc.), the applicant must correct such mistakes with the responsible authorities before sending his application, since the University Council forbids the correction of this fundamental information after admission.

Repost by Ahmad Bilal Almagribi,
Student in Faculty of Islamic Law (Sharee’ah), Islamic University of Madinah.

Allaahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Aali Muhammad >>> Untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa terbaru, silakan ikuti media sosial kami berikut ini: Telegram, Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube dan Facebook!

Allaahumma Sholli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala Aali Muhammad >>> Untuk mendapatkan informasi beasiswa terbaru, silakan ikuti media sosial kami berikut ini: Telegram, Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Youtube dan Facebook!

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